Gilbert Burton at the time was positioned at the North Shore Private Hospital specialising in the area of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
See below the images of the signatures he denied and the sample signatures. To read the Forensic Analyst’s Report click this link.
Gilbert Burton at the time was positioned at the North Shore Private Hospital specialising in the area of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
See below the images of the signatures he denied and the sample signatures. To read the Forensic Analyst’s Report click this link.
On 27 November 2014 the Magistrate, Ms Keogh placed on court record, her official judicial judgment, and asked that Ms S Lazarus be placed in custody, awaiting the judicial appeal process. In custody, waiting for her legal representative to explain process and procedure, Ms S Lazarus was approached by a person who had the authority to place documents before her, requesting her signature on documents which would ensure that she would not take further and/or any legal actions against the two hospitals and other parties involved. Ms S Lazarus was further, informed that upon, signing the documents she would be released from custody.
On 27 April 2015 the same presiding Magistrate, Ms Joanna Keogh placed Sandra Lazarus in custody denied her medication, denied her a disability aid, and placed and released Sandra Lazarus from custody 5 times in a period of 6 hour. Due to the physical and mental torture inflected by the presiding Magistrate Ms Joanna Keogh upon Sandra Lazarus, Sandra Lazarus was taken from the court building in an ambulance, and was placed in a hospital spinal rehabilitation program from approximately 8 months. Below is the ambulance invoice for 27 April 2015.
On 20 April 2015 Magistrate, Ms Keogh adjourned the proceeding, for sentencing on 27 April 2015.
On 27 April 2015, though Magistrate, Ms Keogh had seven days to determine a sentence, Magistrate, Ms Keogh change the perimeters of the sentence on four occasions between the period of 10:00am to 5:00pm, and on each occasion she placed Ms S Lazarus in custody and removed Ms S Lazarus from custody, and on each occasion a new appeal application was filed with the NSW Local Court Registry. At the commencement of the judicial proceeding in 2014, Magistrate, Ms Keogh was provided with documentary evidence in relation to Ms S Lazarus’ medical conditions and limitations, with full knowledge and evidence before her in court of law, the Magistrate, Ms Keogh abused her judicial power and authority on 27 April 2015, and purposefully caused Ms S Lazarus extreme physical and emotional harm, her abusive conduct and orders led to Ms S Lazarus being physically and emotionally tortured. On each occasion Ms S Lazarus was removed from custody and brought back to the court room before Magistrate, Ms Keogh, Ms S Lazarus pleaded for the abuse to end and for her medication to be made available, Magistrate, Ms Keogh denied this request and continued to inflict physical and emotional abuse over and over again from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Due to the extensive damaged caused by physical abuse and denial of medication, Ms S Lazarus was taken by NSW Ambulance services from the NSW Local Court Building (Downing Centre) and hospitalised.